As we commence another year of the great capital raising dance, I thought it would be fun to channel all of the back and forth, yes and no, hide and seek frustration into a little game. One that harkens back to a happier and simpler time, and one that anyone who has ever been under 12 or over 60 is familiar with.
So yes, ladies and gentlemen, this year we're gonna play a little Capital Raising BINGO. Simply print out the appropriate investor or fund manager card below and mark off (and date) each time you get a designated response.
The first investor who gets a BINGO can draft me as a single-use meat shield at an event.
The first fund manager who gets a BINGO will also get a prize, custom tailored to the fund in question.
Happy capital hunting! And may the BINGO odds be ever in your favor!
(c) 2017 MJ Alts
(C) 2017 MJ Alts