In January of this year, I was asked to speak at the 2018 TEDx UIUC event "Roots." The theme of the event was pretty straightforward - "The beginning of all things are small" (Cicero). The organizers asked me to talk about both my professional journey and the work I do around diversity in finance/investing.

First, I was very flattered.

Then, I *may* have pooped my pants a little at the thought of giving a TEDx talk.

TedX Wide with full Ted Cropped Photo Resized.JPG

Ultimately, I of course accepted. And on April 22, 2018 I gave my talk to about 400 students, faculty, members of the Champaign-Urbana community, my mom, and Jill Kimmel (yes, THAT Kimmel).  

The talk looks at what I've identified as the three types of good and bad luck that impact all of us on our journey to success, and how we can create more good luck (or micro-opportunities) to open doors for others and effect change, specifically in the investing community.

If you've got just under 20 minutes, I hope you'll take time to watch it. If you like the message, I hope you'll take time to share it. If you utterly hate it, let me know and I'll send you a personal note of apology for the time wasted AND I'll try to prevent my mom from sending you hate mail, too. 

AuthorMeredith Jones